There is no work-around in Rainmeter for the issue of the Cumulative=1 option misreporting values, but the Gadgets suite offers an alternative method. The first issue can be corrected by always configuring your Rainmeter network skins (whichever ones you use) with the proper interface identifier, such as by using Interface=Best or Interface=. Once an interface index changes, Rainmeter will report incorrect values from that point on, and will get more inaccurate over time. This is because Rainmeter stores cumulative statistics by interface index, not by name. Rainmeter's methodology for recording cumulative networking statistics is flawed and returns incorrect results when your system configuration changes. In addition, NetIn/ NetOut/ NetTotal measures when used with the Cumulative=1 option are very likely to report incorrect values. When the index changes, Rainmeter will report invalid values from that point on. A network adapter's interface index is not a persistent value and can change at almost any time (for example, by toggling airplane mode or using/installing a VPN or other application that creates virtual network interfaces). In Rainmeter, the NetIn/ NetOut/ NetTotal measures when used with the Interface= option can show network statistics that are incorrect.